Thursday, July 4, 2013

07.01.2013 - 07.04.2013


A. 2 Squat Snatch, EMOM; 70%-75% (Jump back and forth between two weights); 10 Sets (5 sets at each weight)
70%- #147, used #150
75%- #157.5, used #160

1. #150 / #150                                                                            2. #160 / #160

3. #150 / #150                                                                            4. #160 / #160

5. #150 / #150                                                                            6. #160 / #160

7. #150 / #150                                                                            8. #160 / #160

9. #150 / #150                                                                            10. #160/ #160

-This was a complete disaster. There was sweat and chalk everywhere. The plates were also flailing every which way. I didn’t clip the weights so they would jump around every time I dropped the bar. I just didn’t have enough time between sets to dry my hands, chalk up, change the weights, or adjust the weights... There wasn’t enough space to set up two separate bars this particular day. It got done though. Back was tightened up, but not terribly bad.

20 Min. AMRAP
Run 400M
5 Muscle Ups
- 7 Rounds + 200M Run. Finished round 4 just after the ten minute mark, but had a nice side stitch kick in. My upper back felt uncomfortable during the runs. Arms felt heavy, like I was doing farmer’s walks. The muscle ups were unbroken- It’s the best they have felt in a while. Probably because it got me off of my feet for a few seconds.


A. Power Clean @ 85%; 1 Rep Every 20 Sec.; 5 Min. (15 Total Reps)
85%- #225.25, used #230
- Cake. Threw in an extra clean at the end just for fun.

B. HSPU at deficit (45# Plates); 3-5 Reps; EMOM; 10 Min.
1. 5                            6. 5
2. 5                            7. 5
3. 5                            8. 4
4. 5                            9. 3 (2/1)
5. 5                            10. 3
- I just hit a wall. The first 6 felt fine. Then it just hit me. My neck and traps were toast. Didn’t use an ab mat or anything either. I figure it’s best to get used to not using one.

C. AMRAP KBS 60 Sec. @ 70lbs; Rest 90 Sec.; 4 Sets
1. 29 – got lazy at the 58 sec. mark; should have rep’d out 1 more
2. 30
3. 30
4. 30
- When I first looked at this, I thought it was going to suck. But one minute goes by quickly. Grip started to be challenged in the middle of the 3rd set. The last set was a bit of a struggle, but knowing it was the last set made it easy to hold onto the KB. Also, I didn’t pull the KB down, I just let gravity do its job.


6 Sets @ 97%
5 Power Cleans TnG (choose a weight that is fast and powerful) #185
8 Burpees
25 Sec. Row
Rest 4 Min.
*Record meters on row, video last couple sets if possible
- Used #185 on the cleans. As you can see in the two attached videos, my knees are always bent during the cleans. I don’t actually stand completely up when the bar hits my chest. The burpees still feel a bit slow. Probably because I’m snaking them and not just falling straight down.

1. 8 Damper, 147M
2. 8 Damper, 146M
3. 8 Damper, 148M
4. 8 Damper, 139M
5. 8 Damper, 145M - Video
6. 8 Damper, 143M - Video

Set 5 Link

Set 6 Link


Rest Day 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

06.28.2013 - 06.30.2013


A. Front Squat; 2 Reps EMOM for 10 Min.; Heaviest with no failed attempts; Weight can change between sets
1- #240
2- #235
3- #235
4- #235, Failed 2nd Rep
5- #225, Failed 2nd Rep
6- Skipped this minute
7- #225
8- #225
9- #225
10- #225, Failed 2nd Rep
11- #225, Made up for the skipped minute; almost dislocated a finger getting the 2nd rep up

I could have done #225 through-out, but I wanted to push it... the #240 at the beginning did me in. This was one of the hardest things I've done yet, even with the skipped minute in the middle.

B. Snatch 20 Reps @ 140# For Time
- 2:00
I've actually never done an Rx Isabel before. I just kept this to singles. On things like this, TnG reps really fatigue me.
C. Row 500m @ 1:42; rest 2mins; 6sets
1. 7.5 Damper, 1:41.2
2. 7.5 Damper, 1:40.3
3. 7.5 Damper, 141.1
4. 7 Damper, 141.6
5. 7.5 Damper, 142.8 - Got lazy at the end; should have made one last big pull with 5 sec. left
6. 7.5 Damper, 141.4
- These were TOUGH. A side stitch kicked in after the 3rd row. I didn't feel right for about 20 minutes after I finished.

AMRAP 12 Min.

25 Clean and Jerks @ #95    - Completed
25 Clean and Jerks @ #145  - Completed
25 Clean and Jerks @ #175  - 12
AMRAP Clean and Jerks @ #205
- 25 + 25 + 12 @ #175. I just knew I could get into the #205 mark, but I was far from it. The squats from the day before really did my back in- nothing serious, just sore. The first 25 reps @ #95 were surprisingly tough. I kept those to sets of 5, then the rest of the C&J's were singles. 12 minutes is a lot of time. I don't know how to feel about the results...
4 Sets for Max Reps

30 Sec. - Power Snatch @ #95
30 Sec. - Box Jumps 24"
30 Sec. - KBS @ #70
30 Sec. - Burpees
Rest 7 Min. between sets

1. 12 / 14 / 13 / 10
2. 12 / 14 / 13 / 9
3. 12 / 13 / 12 / 8
4. 12 / 14 / 13 / 10
- With these only being 30 sec. intervals, my body could only move so fast. Snatches were unbroken. Box jumps were step-down because my right calf has been giving me a little fuss. The KBS are what they are- it's hard to churn through these super fast. Same with the burpees.


Rest Day

06.24.2013 - 06.27.2013

What a terrible 3 days... 


A. Squat Clean Thruster Gauntlet
Start at #135, Every 30 Sec. add #5 until you cannot complete the rep-
#210 was my last completed rep. Failed at #215. Makes sense since my push press max is #215.

B. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, C2B Pull Up Unbroken Ladder
- 4:48
I'm a dumbass. I figured I could get away without protecting my hands... Of course, they both rip. I started out butterflying these, but my form quickly went to crap. Failed on the set of 6 and 10. Pullups suck right now.

C. Row 500m @ 90%; Rest 3 Min.; 4 Sets
- I just can't recover quickly enough in those 3 minutes of rest... I wanted to keep a 1:36 pace...
1- 7.5 damper; 1:35.3
2- 7 damper; 1:40.3
3- 7 damper; 1:41.9
4- 7.5 damper; 1:42.5 


A. Power Clean @ 80% 1RM; 2 Reps on the minute; 10mins
80% of #265 - #225.3, used #230
All singles. The pull felt terrible. Maybe it's because I wore nano's and not my weightlifting shoes?


Power Clean 135#
Ring Dips
- 5:04
Just looking at this I was worried about my chest. I wanted to keep the dips to sets of 5, which I did. Probably should have pushed it more though. My chest felt fine. Was shooting for 4:30.. 5:04 is slooooow...


A. Snatch (from high blocks - close to hip); 2-2-2-1-1-1; rest 2mins
- These were awkward. I had never done anything off blocks higher than just above my knees.
2- #135
2- #145
2- #155
1- #165
1- #175
1- #185 - did not get one, missed several attempts

B. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HSPU Unbroken Ladder
- 6:17
This was tougher than I expected. HSPU need work obviously. Didn't fail any sets, but my traps and triceps were smoked.

C. Flight Simulator
Unbroken sets of double unders for time
- 14:34
Failed 5 times on this... I just took a lot of rest during sets between the 35's... biceps and shoulders hit fatigue quickly.


Rest Day

06.21.2013 - 06.23.2013


A. Back Squat
2 Sets X 3 Reps @ 75% 1RM (#295) #221.25, used #225
4 X 3 @ 80% 1RM (#295) #236, used #240
Done -
2 X 5 @ #135
1 X 5 @ #185
1 X 3 @ #205
2 X 3 @ #225
4 X 3 @ #240

*Rest 3 Min. Between Sets
B. Push Press; 5-5-5-5; Rest 2 Min.
1 X 5 @ #135
1 X 3 @ #155
1 X 5 @ #165
1 X 5 @ #175
1 X 5 @ #185 - Hit 3, Failed on 4th
1 X 5 @ #185 - Failed on 5th Rep

For Time:
Clean and Jerk @ #185
Muscle Ups
- 4:01
Muscle Ups were the limiting factor here. They just don't feel comfortable for me right now. Muscle Ups were unbroken, but they felt awkward. 


10min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
15 Power Cleans @ #95
- 5 Rounds + 30 DU + 6 PC
Forearms were toast after the first two rounds. My DU's were fairly strong considering I tend to struggle when my grip is challenged. Cleans got tough. Did them is sets of fives mostly.
3k Run Time Trial
- 12:47
I wasn't able to do this Saturday, but did it Sunday afternoon instead. Ran on a track. It was hot, I was breathing very heavily. Considering I have not done a lot of met-coning over the past few months I wasn't all that disappointed with my effort. 


Rest Day

Thursday, June 20, 2013

06.17.2013 - 06.20.2013

A. Find your 1RM in the Deadlift
1 X 10 @ #135
2 X 6 @ #225
1 X 3 @ #315
1 X 5 @ #315
1 X 1 @ #365
1 X 1 @ #385 -Previous PR
1 X 1 @ #405 -PR

I’m not sure I could have gone any higher. My left hamstring felt a little tweaky and I didn’t want to injure myself so I didn’t attempt anything after #405.


5min AMRAP @ 80%
10 Walking Lunges
5 T2B

- 11 Rounds
This was the easy set.... obviously. Quads started to tighten up about 2 minutes in... at 80% it wasn’t that difficult to keep lunging though. Breathing was fine. Legs felt a tad heavy on the T2B probably because of the deadlifts.
- Rest 5 min

5min AMRAP @ 90%
5 Box Jumps 24"
5 Push Ups

- 13.5 Rounds
First few sets were easy, and then my left hamstring and quad really set on fire. I had to turn to mostly step downs at that point. Breathing got heavy- hadn’t done box jumps since the Open. Also, the pushups really started to take a toll on my shoulders. I haven’t used my chest a lot in the past month and a half, but with it only being 5 reps, I was able to get them done and get back to the box jumps.
- Rest 5 min

5min AMRAP @ 100%
5 Thrusters 75#
5 Burpees

- 8 Rounds
The thrusters weren’t the issue here. Although my lower half was tired from the previous two AMRAP’s and my legs started to hurt a few rounds in... the burpees just felt really really heavy. Like the 25 KBS/25 burpees workout, I feel really slow and heavy when doing them. Also, there were just too many times during this exercise that I stopped to catch my breath.

*Please note feelings throughout all 5 min. sets. Aerobic limitations, muscular endurance limitations, lactic acid limitations, what are you feeling.

Aerobic limitations- burpees are slow; box jumps tire me quickly
Muscular endurance limitations- pushups and my chest in general are a limitation currently
Lactic acid limitations- lactic acid didn’t force me to stop any, but it came in to play quickly during the lunges


A. Build to a max clean and jerk for the day (power or squat, your choice)
5 X 1 @ #135
3 X 1 @ #185
2 X 1 @ #205
2 X 1 @ #225
1 X 1 @ #245
6 X 1 @ #265 -Failed 4 clean attempts/failed the jerk/failed clean
1 X 1 @ #255
1 X 1 @ #265 -Failed the jerk; felt heavy in the front rack today

B. 30 Muscle Ups for time
- I lost count... I wasn’t sure if I was on 24 or 25, so I went back down to 24. It either took me 5:57 or 6:43. I’m going to say 6:43 was my time though. I haven’t done muscle ups in a while because of my chest. When I got to 20(around the 3 minute mark) there just wasn’t any drive left in the dip. I’m not concerned about the 6:43 time though. With some EMOM work and whatever else, my MU’s will come back. I’m just happy I can do these now. Still, I don’t think I’m ready to start bench pressing. No cause for concern Marcus.

C. 30 Clean and Jerks 155# for time (power clean and jerk)
- 3:33
All singles. These felt good, but it should have been faster. I felt like I was going to crap my pants a couple of times... not sure why though. Stomach started to churn. I had to take a few seconds to let the weird feeling go away. Last time I did this my time was around 4:31 or so. I’m fairly pleased.

 *Rest as long as necessary between A, B, and C. Each will take a lot of energy. If you can space them out a bit that would be ideal.

I took about 15-20 minutes rest between each movement.


Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)

A. Power Snatch 60% 1RM x 3 reps; 10mins
60% of #190 - used #115
- All touch and go. No problem.

B. Squat Snatch 60% 1RM x 3 reps; 10mins
60% of #210 - #126, used #130
- Sets 7 and 9 were split 1 rep and then 2 reps; the last set was singles; and the rest of the sets were touch and go
- My shoulders got pretty taxed and by the last few sets my hands were drenched in sweat and it was difficult to get a good grip on the bar

C. Squat Clean 60% 1RM x 3 reps; 10mins
60% of #245(not my 1RM) - #147, used #150
- These started off kind of tough but as everything loosened up, they became easier at the end; all touch and go

- Rest as needed -

For Time
30 Thrusters @ 95#
500m Row

- 3:04
I wanted sub 3 minutes. The thrusters were unbroken- however, around rep 22 I started to get really sharp pains in my upper left back/trap area... the same sharp stingers I get sometimes when front squatting heavy. I was able to finish the thrusters at 1:11. The row sucked. I started the first 100m around a 1:30 pace but that quickly dropped. My freaking legs were on fire and it hurt so bad to push off on the rower. Just a painful experience.


Rest Day

Monday, June 17, 2013

06.14.2013 - 06.16.2013


A. Build to a 1RM in squat snatch
3 X 1 @ #95
2 X 1 @ #115
2 X 1 @ #135
1 X 1 @ #155
1 X 1 @ #175
1 X 1 @ #185
3 X 1 @ #195 - Failed all 3 attempts; chest kept collapsing
1 X 1 @ #200 - Very solid, after #195 frustrated me

 B. Build to a 1RM in squat clean
2 X 1 @ #185
2 X 1 @ #205
1 X 1 @ #225
1 X 1 @ #235
1 X 1 @ #245 - Failed
1 X 1 @ #240 - Failed

Legs aren't strong enough to stand up with it. I can catch #245 in a solid position, but can't stand up with it...

C. Build to a 1RM in front squat (30X0 tempo same as back squat)
2 X 1 @ #225

1 X 1 @ #245
1 X 1 @ #255 - PR
1 X 1 @ #260 – Failed

3 rounds for time
25 KBS 70#
25 Burpees



Video tape a skills sessions. Few reps of each movement. (TGU @53, pistol, pull ups butterfly and kip, chest to bar, TnG box jumps, KB snatch, single arm DB OHS @30-40lbs, muscle ups rings)
TGU @ #53, L/R Arms
Pistols, L/R Legs
Butterfly Pull Ups/CTB
Kipping Pull Ups/CTB
TnG Box Jumps
KB Snatch, L/R Arms
Single Arm DB OHS @ #30-#40, L/R Arms
Ring Muscle Ups


5 rounds for time
5 power snatch #135
14 alt pistols
*video this please

I don't have consistent pistols so I used a band hanging from rings... I know...

60min row for max meters.


This was my first time to do this. Ass, hammy's and traps hurt like hell once I got off... Today was my one year anniversary of CF... only seems fitting that I would row for an hour...

Time                      Meter   /500m   s/m

1:00:00.0              14713    2:02.3    27
12:00.0                  3095      1:56.3    27
24:00.0                  2978      2:00.8    27
36:00.0                  2897      2:04.2    28
48:00.0                  2850      2:06.3    28
1:00:00.0               2893      2:04.4    28

Rest Day